Turn The Page, Another Opportunity for Change

Posts tagged “new year


Sincere appreciation for the good and the bad with a slight change of mind state produces miracles. Never cease to dream and love. With hard work and dedication to positive auras, the world can change. Despite of what my goals are I wish you all a joyous New Year. Let 2013 be the stepping stone for a bright future and let yesterday be but a full tank of gas that we will fill again tomorrow. Stay safe, keep your head up high, plan ahead, and spread love. Enjoy!- PS thank you for reading! It means the Universe to me.

New Year Pyramids

My new year starts on my Birthday. That’s a tradition I’ve been holding to myself for the last 3 years. Partly because I refuse to go with the masses and second because if you think about it that’s actually YOUR real new year of life. Even though I really don’t celebrate, my goals start on the 5th of November and begin again on that same day. Build our own Pyramids.